Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
New report says cost of addressing climate change will soar unless urgent action taken before 2020
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
New regulations in force from May 2013 trigger surge in use of emissions offsets damaging environmental integrity of EU trading scheme, according to a new report by the campaign group Sandbag.
Energy watchdog commends “balanced” efforts including carbon pricing but warns there is still plenty more work to be done.
Unmitigated climate change leaving country with annual infrastructure bill of A$9bn and rising.
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC including the latest from the UN biodiversity summit in Hyderabad, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
There are signs at home and abroad that the country is set to make a binding international commitment on emissions reductions.
Charles Purshouse, Vice President, Carbon Services, Camco North America explains why it is vital the price for carbon is managed effectively if it is to incentivize green growth.
Opponents slam proposals for new wider reaching carbon credit set-up and call for talks on a new international market mechanism to consider failings of existing system.
As Microsoft imposes an in-house carbon price on itself and Coca-Cola tops the sustainability charts, is climate change action now an integrated part of everyday operations or merely good PR?