Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC including the latest from the UN biodiversity summit in Hyderabad, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney says clean coal is the answer to the USA’s energy problems – but does it really exist?
CCS technology appears a simple and logical answer to the need to keep the lights on and lower emissions – but is it really the golden bullet to stop climate change?
Vote removes obstacles to new cross-Europe electricity grids in move that helps open out renewable energy market across the continent.
Combining carbon capture and storage with biomass burning power plants can get the most out of an expensive technology and make a significant dent in global emissions, according to a new report.
The latest international climate change news, debate and video from RTCC.
Carbon Capture and Storage still remains on the of the most viable technologies to aid climate change mitigation, but what would be the impacts of a CO2 leakage in the world’s oceans?
Exporting CCS technology to heavy coal-using nations could be best route to returns for developed countries rather than abating their own carbon emissions