Iván Azurdia Bravo from the Guatemalan non-profit Rijatzul Q’ij talks to RTCC about the need to consider both modern technology and traditional skills and values when adopting climate resilience projects in Central and Southern America.
Gusts of 90mph batter country’s infrastructure and test current climate adaptation measures.
Vulnerable countries have presented a united front ahead of COP17 in Durban, calling for a second term of the Kyoto Protocol with a legally binding agreement on greenhouse gas emissions.
Climate change catastrophes could cost Canada anything from 5% to 25% of GDP according to a new study by the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE).
UN Secretary General has urged world leaders to commit to the multi-billion dollar Green Climate Fund, ahead of the COP17 Climate Conference, in Durban.
Economist Matthew Kahn tells RTCC how profit, opportunity and innovation will make us happier in a hotter, urban world