Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST.
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Today’s headlines, Glasgow’s disused mines to heat the city, African farmers find ways to tackle drought and Obama says climate change is “not a hoax”.