Focusing solely on how to adapt to issues or deal with disasters inside country borders can cause problems elsewhere, triggering calls for a broader view perspective
Indebted farmers, facing falling yields and water scarcity, want legally guaranteed price support for more crops – but that may not fix their climate woes
Former Goldman Sachs banker is calmly, steadily steering the financial sector in a greener direction
NEWS: 2005 pandemic made leaders consider all scenarios. The same must apply for global warming, argues Sir David King
NEWS: Fund managers told to take a prudent view of risk and use better long term models to account for changing climate
NEWS: In discussion paper issued by UK’s central bank, finance world considers how it could green its investments
ANALYSIS: White House unleashes Obama, Kerry and Podesta in new bid to win public support for carbon cuts
NEWS: UK government’s climate advisors say flood defences are not being maintained, and planning laws do not factor in future risks
Benefits of investing in climate and disaster risk reduction must be demonstrated, say the UN and the consultancy PwC
Foreign Minister’s meeting in London arrange additional brainstorming session for officials to evaluate risks
World Economic Forum annual survey places global warming and water scarcity among top five global concerns in 2013
The Hurricane Sandy Frankenstorm may not help scientist’s link storm frequency and climate change but it could be a painful demonstration of what New York can expect if extreme weather becomes the norm
Asian Development Bank says more attention must be paid to environmental stress as the region prepares for an additional 1.1 billion urban residents in next 30 years.
Asian Development Bank says better preparation is required to protect region from environmental disasters and to better equip cities for an influx of migrants.
New climate change impact report from UK Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs suggests fringe benefits for health and agriculture but flooding and extreme weather dictate end result.