Five countries had loan packages approved under the IMF’s first sustainability fund, but concerns remain about whether it will boost resilience for the most vulnerable nations
Costa Rica, a founding member of the Beyond Oil and Gas Alliance, won’t prioritize it at Cop27 climate talks after a change of government
We, Costa Rica and Denmark, are moving beyond oil. To meet the goals of the Paris Agreement, we encourage friends and allies to do the same
Five years on from the landmark talks in Paris, multilateralism and dialogue continue to be the way forward for countries to meet their climate promises
The Cabécar community is combining traditional customs and modern technology to cope with pandemic and climate change pressures on food security
President Carlos Alvarado Quesada has launched an economy-wide plan to slash his country’s greenhouse gas emissions by mid-century
Carlos Alvarado Quesada is promising to replace petrol and diesel in the transport system with clean energy, comparing the task to abolishing the army
With a 98% renewable power grid, Costa Rica is turning its climate efforts to dirty transport, with public companies promoting electric vehicles
Small-scale farmers who produce most of the world’s coffee beans face reductions in crop yield and quality as a result of rising temperatures and extreme weather
Costa Rican says she will keep vow to protect world’s most vulnerable if she is appointed to New York post later this year
NEWS: V20 coalition launched in Lima this week says it will raise funds for climate adaptation projects and develop a collective insurance scheme
COMMENT: Costa Rica is vulnerable to climate change but benefits from green policies, writes environment minister
COMMENT: Politicians love the idea of a zero carbon future, but few can explain how to get there, argues Monica Araya
NEWS: New data from Bloomberg offers positive outlook for Central America renewables investments
The fossil fuel lobby has a disproportionate influence on world leaders, but they are not as powerless as they pretend
Bill could see creation of National Climate Change Committee and legally binding decarbonisation targets
Government asked Monica Araya to leave climate change team after publicly criticising a $1bn deal with China to finance a new oil refinery, a move Araya says could lead to oil exploration in Costa Rica
Talking to finance ministers in a language they understand, money, is key to driving action says Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Costa Rica’s former Environment and Energy Minister.
Youth Profile #14: Costa Rica is one of the world’s smaller countries, but in the world of climate change it stands tall – led by a dynamic youth movement