Thousands have died by the conflict in Syria, but severe drought in the region is heaping added misery on people
US president pledges over $100 million to help farmers who are suffering in historic Californian drought
President Barack Obama proposes extra support for US communities hit by extreme weather events
Research team says many more people will go short of water as the world warms, but who and where, remains uncertain
Periods of prolonged drought will mean there will be less food for Africa’s rapidly expanding population, says a new report
Geo-engineering could lower global temperatures but could also damage seasonal rainfall patterns, a study says
Friday’s top 5: Lord Browne says fracking will not decrease energy bills, China to raise coal threshold, Oil drilling in Pechora Sea to begin in 2014, Australian bushfires linked to Indian Ocean temperature increase, Big six told to hold price increase
Grantham Research Institute study warns UK government needs to be better prepared for extreme weather events
US drought continues to afflict 46% of country as NOAA record one of the hottest months of June since records started
Simple, cheap and quick to construct – small walls trapping seasonal rainwater can save Africa’s dryland regions from desertification
Influential panel of experts call for world leaders to adopt goals to combat desertification, land degradation and drought
UN chief says developed and developing countries need to accelerate the development of national drought policies
Writing for RTCC on Desertification Day 2013, UNCCD Executive Secretary Luc Gnacadja says it’s time to address this increasingly serious issue
Advertising in Peru has generated 15,000 litres of water in six months
As climate change exacerbates the problem, there is a danger that drought could sneak up on unprepared governments, warns UNCCD Exec-Secretary Luc Gnacadja
The National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has published a map of extreme US events with low snowfall, continuing drought and damaged crops leaving a difficult legacy for 2013
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) says weather was “consistent with a warming world” but can’t be linked exclusively to climate change
Army moves in to break up rocks on river bed as water levels fall below safe levels for barges
Droughts and floods, cold snaps and heatwaves, wildfires and record sea ice loss. 2012 was a dramatic illustration of the impacts of climate change that sent public awareness soaring.
COP18: New report finds the Arab region especially vulnerable to climate change, with five countries setting new temperature records in 2010.