This year is set to be the hottest on record – but scientists say there’s still time to limit temperature rise and harm from climate impacts
Climate-proofing homes is now an essential response to regular extreme weather events and can help prevent displacement
Despite Beijing’s sponge city project, the capital was overwhelmed by recent floods with dozens dying and a new “sponge airport” shut down
Nearly two months on from devastating floods, only $51 million of aid has been delivered, forcing humanitarian groups to make tough decisions
The Middle East has not been used to planning for intense rainfall but the region must learn the lessons of recent flooding which killed Asian migrants, experts warn
The colossal disaster shows why rich countries must deliver on finance for loss and damage at Cop27 international climate talks
At least 550 people died as the wettest month in three decades washed away mud houses in rural Balochistan – and international aid is not forthcoming
At least 32 people have died and millions have had to flee their homes following severe flooding in Bangladesh in recent days. Yet, money for relief is lacking
While heavy rain was forecast, infrastructure was overwhelmed and many residents did not get the message about the dangers
Many Kenyans are suffering post-traumatic stress, depression and anxiety after being hit by extreme weather, but lack access to mental health services
As rising sea levels slowly engulf the ancestral graves of a fishing community in Ivory Coast, residents are moving their relatives before their bodies are lost forever
NEWS: Lethal heat waves, ice storms and big freezes could become regular events if greenhouse gas emissions are not controlled
NEWS: Poor planning blamed again as thousands in India and Pakistan are forced out of homes by intense rainfall
INTERVIEWS: A new generation of post-Communist youth are leading the fight against climate change in the Balkans
BLOG: Aerial footage could assess flood defences and offer early warning for water companies charged with protecting households
NEWS: UK government’s climate advisors say flood defences are not being maintained, and planning laws do not factor in future risks
Scientists say average annual flood losses could be almost five times greater by mid-century
As flooding and storms continue to plague the UK, politicians must put climate change onto the long term agenda, say experts
Ed Davey says extreme weather events have “shifted the debate” on climate change in the US, with UK floods having similar effect
Scientists say evidence supports theory that exceptionally wet and stormy winter is caused at least in part by climate change