US-based nonprofit Arctic Ice Project has cancelled tests in Alaska because of potential disruption to the food chain
Europe’s first scientific advice on the technology urges Brussels to prevent its deployment, leaving room for limited outdoor research
A draft resolution aimed at creating a space for discussion on sun dimming technologies will be debated at the summit of the UN’s environment body this month
Dimming the sun could “complement” emissions cuts, says panel of leaders, while acknowledging concerns about the risks
Commission members, scientists and youth advisors are concerned the body is justifying techno-fixes to the climate crisis
A US startup carried out a geoengineering experiment in Mexico, which the country claims was done without prior notice and consent
Countries failed to agree on a Swiss resolution to consider regulating technologies that aim to cool the planet, at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi
No longer the preserve of science fiction, climate-hacking technologies may need international oversight, say backers of draft resolution
Initiative sponsored by Carnegie Council and led by UN climate veteran aims to break silence around geo-technologies and explore their potential
Global Change Research Program indicates support for further exploration of how geoengineering could be used to tackle global warming
Draft documents suggest countries will agree to further ban on large-scale climate techno-fixes, warning risks of damage to biodiversity outweigh potential benefits
NEWS: Fertilising algae with iron filings is no easy climate fix, study finds, as benefits in one region will be offset elsewhere
NEWS: ‘Irresponsible’ to rely on techniques to strip carbon or reflect sunlight to slow global warming, EU analysis concludes
NEWS: Resorting to geoengineering to tackle climate change would be an admission of failure, UK scientists say
NEWS: Iron fertilisation of oceans stimulates carbon sucking plankton, but could also lead to rise in CO2 emitting sea-life
COMMENT: Lumping all ‘geoengineering’ techniques under one label risks making sensible options guilty by association
ANALYSIS: Scientists, artists and policymakers pondered whether to hack the planet at a meeting in Berlin this week
Scientists are increasingly looking to more radical schemes to curb global warming, but the more radical proposals are not liked by the general public
Thursday’s top 5: World may need to suck CO2 out of air, China becomes one of world’s largest historical emitters, senators push for Keystone approval
Idea that we can address global warming by engineering the atmosphere rebuffed by scientists in USA and Germany