Only a shift in public opinion and the growing clamour from big business for climate action can turn the US position around, regardless of who wins the election.
Legislation that would protect coal mines from closure and make Federal funding of renewables projects more difficult will be debated in Congress this week
US President provides hope to climate activists around the world with strong defence of green policies during main speech at the Democrat Convention
Presidential candidates say they have opposing views on climate change and energy policy but comments from a recent debate between the two suggest there’s less difference than some may hope.
Republican Presidential candidate needs to have a Plan B if his belief that climate change is a hoax proves to be misplaced
Todd Tanner, founder of the Conservation Hawks tells RTCC why changes in the Montana landscape have spurred him on to start a grass roots climate action movement among the United States 37 million hunters.
Speed and scale of drilling for unconventional gas resources will not be repeated, despite previous calls from EU Energy Commissioner.
Today’s stop stories including Romney’s plan for US energy independence, the first meeting of the UN Green Climate Fund and warnings over rapid warming across the Antarctic Peninsula.
Katharine Hayhoe, author of a scrapped chapter on climate change in Newt Gingrich’s new book, says climate scientists in the US are being persecuted for their work.