Carbon offsetting is a complex process, and needs effective measuring and verification processes. Investment experts ‘The Livelihoods Fund’ have first hand experience of how to set up and run projects.
Watergy represents the strong link between water and energy. The Alliance to Save Energy explains how they have implemented their efficiency programme across the planet.
Embedding Information and communications technology (ICT) into your business strategy offers huge returns. Intel estimates ICT could cut 15% of global emissions by 2020.
Mining is vital to extract coal, oil, gas, minerals and metals. Opponents cite environmental destruction and high emissions – so can the industry improve its image?
How the conservation and sustainable use of Prunus africana is improving the lives of small-scale farmers in Africa.
With billions of dollars in climate finance being mobilised to Alice Harrison from anti-corruption NGO Transparency International explains why the future we want is one without bribes.
LED lighting can cut CO2 emissions by 70%. This article explains how a partnership between HSBC and The Climate Group has seen LED lighting installed in 13 cities worldwide.
Ed Nusbaum, CEO of Grant Thornton International and Nathan Goode, head of environment, energy and sustainability at Grant Thornton UK explain what’s holding back investment in the green economy.
As part of our Rio+20 series focused on business and sustainable development we examine what the Stockholm Environment Institute believes will be an unprecedented energy transition needed in the next decade.
As part of our Rio+20 series focused on business and sustainable development we examine the role communities play in climate mitigation through the REDD+ scheme.
As part of our Rio+20 series focused on business and sustainable development we examine how micro-hydro power helped combat land degradation in the Philippines.
As part of our Rio+20 series focused on business and sustainable development, we find out what it takes to be a sustainability leader.
Charles Purshouse, Vice President, Carbon Services, Camco North America explains why it is vital the price for carbon is managed effectively if it is to incentivize green growth.
In the first of our Rio+20 series focused on business and sustainable development, we hear how Mexican cement company CEMEX are cutting their water use.