What is desertification, where and why does it happen, and how do we combat it? RTCC examines this important issue to dispel some of the confusion.
RTCC takes you through the science of climate change and the oceans.
Can’t access Wikipedia? Need to know all there is to know about climate change? Not a problem. Here’s our definitive guide.
The technology transfer mechanism will be up for discussion in Durban, RTCC looks at the system designed to grease the wheels of innovation in developing countries.
RTCC takes a look at the final market-based instrument under the Kyoto Protocol, Joint Implementation.
RTCC explains the workings of one of the more controversial products of the international climate negotiations
RTCC takes a closer look at the Clean Development Mechanism. Has this key UN policy been a success or does it simply help developed countries offset emissions?
RTCC provides the answers to all the questions you may have about the Kyoto Protocol – the most famous piece of climate legislation in the world.
The Keystone XL pipeline has dominated discussion this week, so here at RTCC we thought we would take a closer look…
As India steps up plans for a nuclear thorium power plant, RTCC takes a look at what people are saying about it