Energy minister says power realities are changing fast, predicting a fast uptake in solar energy despite concerns over baseload and storage
COMMENT: Last week deputy crown prince Salman announced the formation of a post-oil $2 trillion fund, accelerating a major Middle East energy transition
NEWS: Piyush Goyal says citizens in poorer countries deserve more than just a light bulb, urging richer countries to deliver power for TVs and fans
ANALYSIS: Green group outrage at trade ruling is a wild exaggeration and ignores the real failures of India’s clean energy plans
Researchers eye sunny future, Vietnam to ditch coal, France plans climate diplomacy blitz, UK panned for weak green policies
NEWS: Power from the sun could supply 20% of energy worldwide by 2027 on current technology trends, say UK researchers
NEWS: Investors call on government to support renewables sector, which faces cash crisis as stock market woes intensify
NEWS: Mesquite 210MW project soon to be overtaken by Indian and Chinese mega-arrays, as cheap solar panels compete with coal
NEWS: Solar manufacturing giants are struggling on slim profit margins, hefty debts and excess production capacity
INTERVIEW: Jay Weatherill, state premier, tells RTCC how regions can out-green their national governments
NEWS: Emissions from coal threaten dangerous levels of global warming despite surge in renewable investment, analysts warn
NEWS: Two years after it fought off shale oil developers Cuadrilla, villagers in Balcombe are close to realising their clean energy dream
THE GUARDIAN: UK’s chief climate diplomat calls for £15bn a year R&D spending on clean energy to make it cheaper than coal power globally
NEWS: Solar, wind and hydro finance flows remain strong despite economic downturn, says new spending analysis by US government
NEWS: Desert state has abundance of sunshine and could produce more than it consumes, says power company boss
NEWS: Growing economic links with China are helping Pakistan tap into its enormous solar energy potential
BLOG: Generating your own supply of electricity is straightforward and cheap – so easy that RTCC editor Ed King had a go
NEWS: Drought-hit Brazil is turning to the solar energy source once dubbed a fantasy by the country’s president
NEWS: Up to 35GW of solar power could drop off the European network on Friday 20 March as the moon partially obscures the sun
COMMENT: Cheap, clean and easy to install, a solar push by India’s railways offers huge potential if deployed effectively