Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 GMT
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST.
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
UK minister says threats to airline industry from EU-ETS are serious, but Connie Hedegaard denies any chance of policy u-turn
In the first of a series of UKYCC podcasts RTCC is hosting, Nick Beall and Jamie Peters give us an introduction to the group and to the international youth climate movement.
Professor Bob Watson, one of the UK Government’s top scientific advisors, warns the world could be heading to a 3°C or even 5°C world as a result of climate change.
Today’s top headlines including an adventurer set to fly from Sydney to London on plastic, new survey finds majority of Canadians believe in climate change and new biodiversity partnerships in Asia
Ecotricity boss says he has ‘no hope or confidence’ in Britain’s Coalition government to deliver a low carbon revolution.
Today’s top headlines: MPs call on UK to eliminate fossil fuel subsidies, US official says cutting air pollutant could ‘buy time’ in fight against climate change, and extreme melt event in Greenland.
Today’s top headlines: US set to see food price rises because of drought, England tracks natural capital and China enters the North Sea oil industry.
The latest international climate change news, debate and video from RTCC.
The latest international climate change news, debate and video from RTCC.
Climate change is increasing the chances of extreme weather events, according to a new report from from scientists at the UK Met Office and the USA’s NOAA.
The latest international climate change news, debate and video from RTCC.
The latest international climate change news, debate and video from RTCC.
In a Rio+20 special, we take a look back over at the news over the last seven days from both the Earth Summit negotiations and beyond to find out what we can learn from events this week.
New figures from the Office of National Statistics sets out the UK energy picture…but how well is it performing on environmental and climate change issues?
Report from the Energy and Climate Change select committee questions government’s ability to pressure other countries to cut emissions, while many of those are generated producing goods for the UK’s use.
As 17 more counties are considered to be in drought conditions in the UK, RTCC takes a look at the causes of the drought and what it could mean for you.