China, India, Brazil and South Africa call on rich nations to sign up for second commitment period and declare ambitious, new emission reduction targets at COP18
Kyoto Protocol’s key tool has offset one billion tonnes of C02 – but there’s a lot more to this mechanism than meets the eye
Former head of the UN Climate talks says confusion over goals of international negotiations and meaning of last year’s Durban Platform agreement need to be urgently addressed
In the latest podcast by the UK’s Youth Climate Coalition, three members of the group heading to Qatar talk about the size, complexity and challenges that the COP18 negotiations present.
The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
UN climate chief admits convention has not done enough on adaptation but says continent must now take control of debate
In 1987 states around the world united to cut the emission of dangerous gases that threatened the planet. 25 years later it is proving impossible to repeat the trick. Why?
New French President calls for EU increase in emission pledges, bans fracking on home soil and offers to host UN climate talks in 2015.
Edward Cameron and Yamide Dagnet from the World Resources Institute argue that the latest UNFCCC negotiations should be seen as a qualified success – but warn there is much work yet to do.
Canadian Environment Minister claimed country is halfway to reaching its 2020 targets but a closer inspection reveals it has moved the goalposts.
Progress on several issues builds momentum ahead of Doha summit but questions remain on climate finance, the ambition of emission pledges and the tricky LCA track of negotiations.
Other key countries must raise ambition too but timing of US elections means crucial decision in Washington unlikely in time for Doha talks.
Pablo Solon says UN climate change negotiations should acknowledge that the goals of rich nations and big emerging economies pursuing “greenhouse gas intensive growth” are the same.
RTCC takes a brief look at discussions on the Durban Platform during the UN climate talks in Bangkok
Today’s top climate change headlines updated every weekday from 0900-1700 BST
Arab countries unite with coalition of vocal Latin American nations, China, India and emerging Asian economies to form new negotiating bloc called Like Minded Group (LMG).
The Green Climate Fund board may have met for the first time but there remain far too many unanswered questions on raising and spending cash to combat climate change.
State Department negotiator Jonathan Pershing calls for new climate treaty to value flexibility and dynamism over legal nature
Today’s top stories including UNFCCC talks in Bangkok continue amid concerns over lack of progress and Mitt Romney’s plan for climate change.
EU, Australia and New Zealand signal less ambition and more flexibility with pledges while least developed countries reiterate need for financial and logistical help to fight climate change at home.