Extreme weather and climate change are already endangering food security and must be addressed by COP17 according to Oxfam International.
The Canadian government must stop “putting polluters before people” says the Canadian Youth as they unveil their new ‘delegation uniforms’.
Occupy movement spreads to Durban for the start of COP17, as a sign of frustration that the voice of the majority is not being heard.
South African President joins other African leaders in urging developed world to take responsibility.
South African minister sworn in to preside over talks as dignitaries plead for bold climate change solutions from negotiators.
Keep up to date with all the breaking news from COP17 in Durban via the RTCC team’s Twitter pages…
Christiana Figueres emphasises importance of COP17 climate talks and says agreement can revolutionise the world economy.
UN climate negotiations need to deliver for vulnerable countries that are leading the way in adaptation methods, say climate ministers from Kenya and the Maldives.
Responding to Climate Change will be broadcasting a daily webcast from the heart of the conference centre in Durban throughout COP17. Find out how you can get involved.
Deforestation and the REDD+ scheme are set be central to the negotiations at Durban, but as RTCC’s Tierney Smith reports a deal will not be met unless an effective finance framework can be designed.
As delegations from across the world ready themselves for two weeks of intense climate talks at COP17, RTCC brings you all the top stories being discussed around the world.
The UK’s Special Representative for Climate Change, John Ashton, talks to RTCC about his hopes for COP17 and why the Durban talks are still relevant.
UK’s top climate diplomat John Ashton tells RTCC what’s at stake when world meets in Durban for COP17 next week.
UK Green Party Leader Caroline Lucas says green policies can boost economic growth, and calls on world leaders to be bold at COP17 summit in Durban.
In his final article on climate change and the private sector analyst Kentaro Ide argues that intellectual property rights and technology transfer must form the centrepiece of any legislation agreed in in Durban at COP17.
Speaking to RTCC ahead of COP17 Caroline Lucas, Green Party MP for Brighton Pavilion said there is no getting away from the need for a binding legal and political agreement to tackle climate change.
White paper released ahead of Durban talks reveals 11-point plan to combat climate change.
CFC replacements could have the same warming effect as releasing nine billion tonnes of CO2 into atmosphere.