British scientists want a fishing moratorium while they study newly open waters, but Russia stands in their way
Its own cooling system may leak, but Kigali Convention Centre is hosting a revolution in climate-friendly air conditioning
Despite bold promises of the UN’s first comprehensive global warming deal, African governments feel their demands for energy equity are being ignored
Negotiators meet in Kigali next week to agree a global phase-out of HFCs, which could prevent up to 0.5C of global warming
A visionary approach or a green myth? Industry groups and campaigners give their verdict
Water-rich Lesotho has long lubricated South Africa’s burgeoning population, but when drought struck in 2016, it was the residents of Katse village who suffered
At the first conference of the climate pact in Morocco next month, Australia will be in the laggards’ corner
Some of the most influential thinkers about climate change have decided that the time for negotiation with fossil fuel companies is over
It only takes place every 20 years and does not bind participating governments to anything, but Habitat III can help shape greener, cleaner cities
Love data? Care about the energy transition? Robert Wilson at the University of Strathclyde has a twitter feed for that
UPDATED 4/10: Excitement is building over the likely entry into force of the UN’s climate deal – but that will only be the start of a new set of tricky negotiations
As centre right parties assume power across the continent it’s easy to say this will mean a cull of environmental laws, but it’s not that straightforward
Media and political claims that province’s high proportion of wind energy is to blame for power outages are completely unfounded
Conservatives may be inclined to trust the military, but decades of polarised debate make them sceptical of global warming threats
Transcripts show the Democrat presidential candidate referred to climate change directly in less than half as many speeches after her left-wing rival conceded defeat
Amid bullish clean energy predictions and packed climate policy events, fears are growing over the impacts of a potential Donald Trump presidency
Lower than expected contributions to global climate body means some small island states and least developed nations may have fewer envoys at COP22
Despite consistent legal victories, Adani cannot change a coal price that languishes far below the level necessary to make the huge Carmichael mine viable
Luckily for the chances of avoiding global warming, the Paris climate deal isn’t the only game in town. Here’s a rundown of what else is cooking
The outsider who came in from the cold: Malcolm Turnbull said tackling climate change “inspires and energises” him, but has he delivered?