ANALYSIS: Support from the US and China will make it extremely difficult for any other country or bloc to credibly threaten entry into force of the UN deal
ANALYSIS: The recent fuss over who will sign the UN’s new climate pact is a distraction. The real test will come when countries have to pass the deal into domestic law
ANALYSIS: US shale oil and gas equity investors are expecting a rebound in prices, given share issuance figures in the first quarter of 2016. But are they backing a dud?
ANALYSIS: Record investments in wind and solar are transforming our energy landscape, as this presentation from Bloomberg New Energy Finance’s explains
ANALYSIS: Technical help for least polluting nations’ climate plans greased global deal, but didn’t always yield results
ANALYSIS: Critics accuse prominent climate scientist of unprofessional behaviour and alarmism, in debate over risk of rapid ice sheet melting
ANALYSIS: US president will leave his successor with a low-carb present: A roadmap to slash US emissions 80% on 1990 levels by 2050
ANALYSIS: Candidates for upcoming mayoral election appear to agree the environment will be a vote-winner in May’s election, with potentially global ramifications
FEATURE: The Paris climate deal was the latest chapter of a story that started a quarter of a century ago, and owes much to US Republicans and UK Conservatives
ANALYSIS: Through shareholder resolutions, the Aiming for A coalition is getting coal, oil and gas companies to face up to global warming
ANALYSIS: A sharp economic downturn could see Beijing revert to tried-and-tested brown industry, slowing climate gains
COMMENT: Gambian Minister Pa Ousman Jarju says there’s a continued need for climate diplomacy and ambitious climate action
ANALYSIS: The UN wants an official with ‘high professional standing and an intimate knowledge of the issues’ to replace Christiana Figueres when she leaves in July
NEWS: Diplomatic blowback would be huge if new president decided to renege on commitments, Todd Stern tells reporters in London
ANALYSIS: Air pollution levels in Hebei have fallen 28.7% between 2013 and 2015, making it one of China’s four fastest improving provinces – but problems persist
ANALYSIS: Robert Mugabe blames global warming for drought and crop failures, but failures to invest in irrigation, forecasting and more resilient seeds have exacerbated crisis
ANALYSIS: At an Oslo meeting this week, communications experts challenged the IPCC to make its reports easier to understand
ANALYSIS: Oil major revises up forecast for solar, wind and hydro power by its biggest margin yet in 2016 annual energy outlook
ANALYSIS: A decision to stall President Obama’s flagship Clean Power Plan undermines US standing on global warming abroad
INFOGRAPHIC: Shell’s recent aborted venture grabbed headlines, but it wasn’t the first foray into the polar region and may not be the last