In Colombia and Costa Rica, where governments have imposed carbon taxes, deforestation rates are down, while revenues to fund forest restoration efforts are up
Pinpointing solar panels and knowing exactly where the sun is shining can cut carbon emissions by reducing the need to keep fossil-fueled generators on standby
The latest UN ruling is a step towards improving the lives of those most vulnerable and affected by climate change
Whether countries deliver on their pledge to raise ambition will be more consequential to the future of the Paris deal than even Trump’s withdrawal
German activists plan in 2020 to block Datteln 4, the only coal power plant under construction in Western Europe, and push Berlin to exit coal
A proposed $500 million annual fund for climate innovation in shipping is welcome, but falls far short of a strategy to cut rising emissions
Discussing climate change with friends and family can at times feel daunting. But following a few simple principles can help navigate the conversation
Our proposal would create a $5 billion innovation fund to eventually bring about the full decarbonisation of the global shipping industry
I have been to all 25 UN climate conferences. I won’t be attending next year unless major changes are made to achieve real action
International negotiations have always focused on carbon emissions, not the coal, oil and gas that create them. That’s changing
Trading carbon is widely said to make emissions cuts cheaper. But for whom? And why is it dominating climate diplomacy in Madrid?
The UN process has largely ignored the production of fossil fuels. That can, and must, change
Australia is the third biggest fossil fuel exporter, has high emissions and plans to use a loophole to meet its pledges. Don’t let them stay in the background
As the crisis becomes dominated by urgent survival needs, the political window to prevent further climate change will close
Corporate leaders across the world are calling on governments to support their efforts by providing clear, ambitious plans to cut emissions
Demands for action are outstripping political will. The diplomatic task of bridging the expectations gap falls to the hosts of next year’s climate talks
With impacts spreading, declarations of climate emergency are worthless unless those making them help the afflicted
Indigenous groups in Canada have developed societal structures to cope with climate change without relying on federal policies. We need to learn from them
Australia is a major contributor to the world’s fossil fuel supply problem. It must set production targets aligned with global climate goals
Small improvements to the IEA’s authoritative report do little to guide governments, companies or investors towards a clean economic transformation