Writing in the journal Science, outgoing US president tells his successor that scrapping the UN’s 2015 climate pact would lead to economic and diplomatic harm
During the hottest year on record, Karl Mathiesen travelled to Tasmania and found his home irreparably changed
The COP22 summit was dominated by Donald Trump’s shock election win, but amid the gloom there were kernels of progress says St Lucia minister
President-elect Donald Trump heralds a new age of climate doubters, but can this army backed by fossil fuel companies hold off reality in 2017?
This week’s meeting of the Board of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in the Samoan capital Apia – here the country’s ambassador to the UN outlines his hopes
If the G20 focuses on making infrastructure low carbon and resilient it can meet its goals of boosting economic growth and insuring against climate risk
Lead envoy of Least Developed Countries bloc and chief advisor assess whether the COP22 talks last month offer hope dangerous warming will be stopped
We need to recognise that adaptation to climate change is a new activity for which there is no real pre-existing “expertise” available – it’s time the GCF recognised this
Climate Commissioner makes case for new energy package, arguing it will boost clean energy, security and hand more power to consumers
If Trump’s goal is to do good for American workers by promoting US interests, a decision to quit the new global climate regime would be misguided
We need to get creative about climate action: so my proposal is to put the implementers in the middle of global talks and the negotiators on the periphery
Text from US secretary of state’s address to UN talks in Marrakech, Morocco, signalling end of an era of Washington’s climate leadership
Top advisor to poor countries says he’s changing advice and telling them to give up reliance on the promises of adaptation funding from developed countries
By taking strong action now, by mid-century Latin America could protect food production, secure its unparalleled biodiversity and natural capital
If Obama Clean Power Plan is stopped, US emissions projections would be significantly higher than in its absence and we will see an increasing emissions trend in 2020s
While Donald Trump’s outlandish rhetoric strikes fear into the hearts of climate advocates, as a negotiator he may prove less extreme
Donald Trump is a disaster for the climate, but clever drafting of the UN pact will limit the damage, says Thomas Hale
The Paris Agreement is a great diplomatic win, but it still needs to be made to work for the poorest and most vulnerable
Scientists need to fight the inevitable misinformation campaign when temperatures fail to rise in orderly fashion
UN climate chief and president of 2016 climate summit in Marrakech say greater levels of climate finance are needed to deliver historic agreement