Human rights violations, drought risk and now corruption are undermining the case for hydropower. Environment minister José Sarney Filho is making the case for change
Current progress to make our cities a better place is held back by the lack of political will: but that shouldn’t be inevitable
Funding and dates for phasing our gases used in fridges and air conditioning need to be finalised, but a deal that could take 0.5C off warming projections is now up for grabs
US Secretary of State tells envoys at Montreal Protocol talks in Vienna their moment to contribute to a global warming solution has come
Manila should not turn its back on UN talks and clean energy opportunities, says policy advocate Francis Dela Cruz
The Democratic Party is calling out groups that spread misinformation. It’s an important campaign, but expect a backlash
Projected heatwaves, rising sea levels and intense rainfall linked to climate change mean vulnerable countries need to get their house in order
Coal producers face an uncertain future. Demand will grow in some parts of the world, in others it will fall. Business needs to be ready for both eventualities
By invoking the spirit of Paris, Figueres has positioned herself as the front running “change” candidate in the race – if that’s what the Security Council wants
‘We see a clear market opportunity here, and investing in clean energy enables us to grow responsibly as well as leverage our expertise’
Tacking global warming and ensuring millions gain access to clean water, food and energy should not be tackled separately – they’re both sides of the same coin
A vote to leave the EU has left many distraught, but the underlying fundamentals of the low carbon economy are strong, argues E3G director Jonathan Gaventa
The continued strong voice of business leaders will help to ensure the global implementation of the Paris climate agreement, argues the head of We Mean Business
In climate change circles as for the Brexit battle, misinformation must be challenged
Migration with dignity must be part of a climate change adaptation strategy, rather than relocation of people as climate refugees
Electric cars, hydrogen vehicles, solar aircraft and hyperloops all have a part to play in greening transport, but the overall challenge is far more complex
Environment Council meeting on Monday should be used to demand deeper reform, or risk locking in low ambition for 15 years
The International Civil Aviation Authority is unjustifiably smug about its climate record; it must play its part in efforts to limit warming to 1.5C
Robust standards are urgently needed to channel capital debt markets into climate-friendly projects, says WWF France chief Pascal Canfin
Subsidies often don’t help women much at all and reforms provide an opportunity to better target support