COMMENT: The costs of tackling failed states as a result of climate impacts could be far higher than investing in adequate insurance now
ANALYSIS: London wants an ambitious 2015 Paris deal but is sending mixed signals to other 194 countries at negotiations
ANALYSIS: South Korea comes out well and Russia badly in a direct comparison of emissions targets, finds Gerard Wynn
COMMENT: On eve of Kenya visit, head of Pan Africa Climate Justice Alliance asks US president to boost green funds for his continent
COMMENT: Key trade partners are likely to be impacted by global warming: it’s a national interest to cut emissions argues Ben Caldecott
COMMENT: There’s no denying China’s growing responsibility for global emissions, but the signs are it is moving to a greener future
COMMENT: Making the financial system work for the world’s poor is about more than just sending more money, says Achim Steiner
COMMENT: Government claims the country can do little more to green its electricity sector are not true, say leading academics
COMMENT: As climate scientists meet in Paris this week, COIN has top tips for expressing the uncertain without pandering to sceptics
COMMENT: Genius behind idea of pledges was national ownership, but there are too many variables for a clear picture
COMMENT: Land is more than a pile of rocks, says Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner; it has eyes to see people’s greed and punish them
COMMENT: There are clear links between government communication and fewer deaths from heat stroke. Ministers must do better.
COMMENT: To count the people on the streets of London for yesterday’s mass climate lobby misses the point, writes Louise Gray
COMMENT: Pope Francis’ unequivocal call to arms will reverberate globally in acting on climate change says IIED’s Camilla Toulmin