Ahead of an August general election, ride organised by Christian Aid is pushing access to renewables up the political agenda
Energy minister announces hold on Canadian-British firm’s plan to export oil from the unstable, drought-ravaged region of Turkana
Human rights review finds Australia’s coal production ambitions will contribute to dangerous climate change and asks government to reconsider
Latest draft of German plan for next week’s Hamburg meeting contains major concessions to US and opens door for coal projects to be defined as “clean”
Adapting to the impacts of climate change goes hand-in-hand with wider development objectives for poor countries, NGOs tell UN flagship climate finance scheme
Politicians have been accused of stoking land conflict between farmers, herders and indigenous groups to win votes, while failing to address the root cause
India’s environment has been subjugated to the whims of the prime minister’s industrial cronies. How can the world believe him on climate change?
Trade and migration are dominated the Indian prime minister’s visit to the White House, with differences on the Paris Agreement side-stepped
The language of self-sufficiency chimes better with Indian citizens than blaming the rich world for global warming, workshops by Climate Outreach find
The US said climate change had “a range of implications for the effective enjoyment of human rights”, in a departure from recent diplomacy and Trump’s rhetoric
Norway’s environment minister Vidar Helgesen warns that assault on forest protection jeopardises aid payments to Brazil through the Amazon Fund
Report by Climate Action Tracker warns that overly bullish gas demand forecasts will lead to stranded assets or an unsafe future climate
Raising cattle instead of selling firewood and charcoal is empowering women and allowing trees to grow back in a denuded part of rural Kenya
Following a global deal in Kigali to phasedown HFCs, a class of potent warming gases used in refrigeration, Indian industry is developing cleaner alternatives
Brazilian president blocks the deregulation of 1.4m acres, under international pressure, but a new bill seeks to open Amazon forests to farming and mining
Gore says Trump’s withdrawal from Paris agreement is akin to resistance faced by other great moral movements
States claiming climate leadership will be held to account by local groups like Keep Rhode Island Beautiful, fighting against fossil fuel developments
Brazil’s government is set to roll back protections on vast areas of the Amazon that would legitimise land claims often made under fake names to avoid prosecution
NGO that helps women overcome cultural taboos and start their own clean energy businesses to be awarded prize in London ceremony
Legislation makes Sweden the first country to significantly upgrade its ambition since the world agreed a climate deal in Paris, in contrast with US backsliding