#UnfriendCoal campaign targets the insurance sector to end support for climate-polluting fossil fuels
Labour says the 46% reduction in foreign office climate jobs since it was in power is “staggering” and a sign the government is not serious about the issue
In Odisha, where late monsoons mean crop failures, poverty and even suicide, a novel scheme aims to boost water access
Studies warn climate change will bring faster warming to subtropical dry areas, making crops like wheat and potatoes unviable
Thelma Krug has lost her job in a row over the precision of official data, say sources at the environment ministry
Ministers from countries on the front line of climate change have urged rich nations to stop pouring money into the coal, oil and gas industries
Experts say $5bn Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility’s repeated rejection of requests for information on Adani coal project loan has no basis in law
Britain is expected to be coal-free on Friday, reports National Grid, as the power sector shifts to cleaner sources of supply
All five leading candidates in France’s presidential election have made prominent energy efficiency pledges, now UK Labour have followed suit
Some districts are receiving just 12 hours of water each week as drought hits the Kenyan capital – home to more than 3 million people
As chronic water shortages create instability and violence around Lake Chad, researchers warn climate change feeds terror
Cricket – that most weather dependent of games – is slow-bowling its way into a future in which English seamers no longer swing and more and more games are washed out
As deforestation spirals out of control, bills to be voted on by Congress would roll back protections on area of forest the size of Jamaica
“It’s a bad deal for America,” said Scott Pruitt, adding he had told counterparts in Germany and Canada that he would not risk the US economy to comply with Paris
Indian ruling means Adani will be unable to manipulate price of coal overseas then seek escalations in cost of power back home
Frozen tundra may be more sensitive to rising temperatures than previously thought, releasing methane and worsening global warming
French company breaks new ground in affordable solar, but Piyush Goyal tells parliament coal will “remain our mainstay”
Environmental protests against the $46bn Southern Gas Corridor are baseless, says Ilham Aliyev, who expects to begin exporting gas through the pipeline by 2018
All G7 nations, except the US, expressed support for the Paris climate accord, but the Trump administration did back an end to fossil fuel subsidies
Indonesia’s foreign ministry has slammed the EU’s proposed ban on palm oil in biofuels