Experts say proposed power plants in India, China, Vietnam and Indonesia would blow Paris climate deal if they move ahead, reports the Guardian
‘Cyberforest’ models show subtropical species could take hold in the Pacific northwest, while drought hits trees in the northeast
Limiting exploration in line with climate goals makes financial sense, says Carbon Tracker ahead of ExxonMobil, Chevron AGMs
155 major companies have committed to cut emissions in line with 2C global warming threshold
Communities where alcohol use is rife are at greater risk of disintegration when extreme weather hits, finds study
French former president of UN summit warns of negative consequences if Brussels does not formally join deal before it enters into force
Latest synthesis study commends governments for climate drive, but underlines radical carbon cuts required to avoid dangerous warming
Value water or face plummeting growth rates, warns World Bank as Africa and Asia suffer from ongoing drought linked to El Nino and climate change
Patricia Espinosa is to take over from Christiana Figueres as head of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in July
Tesla and Vestas replace the likes of ExxonMobil and Rio Tinto in product to help investors back low carbon economy
Crewless ships would use 10-15% less fuel, estimate engineers, and could be running by the end of the decade
Models show saving trees and expanding food supply are compatible, particularly if people avoid meat
GUARDIAN: Productivity losses could exceed US$2 trillion by 2030, says major report, as field and factory labourers suffer
Aviva among latest investors to declare support for climate change resolution at next month’s AGM
Protest highlights climate and local impact of government plans for more than 70 coal power plants
El Nino has dried up hydropower supplies, as South American petroeconomy battered by low oil price
President Francois Hollande plans to hike the cost of pollution at home, regardless of Brussels’ bloc-wide reforms
Most small-scale power systems only run a few hours a day, researchers find, falling short of government aspirations for energy access
Funds worth €12bn for modernising the power sector in poor member states are propping up fossil fuels, finds Carbon Market Watch
Researchers highlight importance of carbon-sucking forests alongside New York climate deal signing ceremony