NEWS: Delhi ready to ink UN deal at 22 April ceremony, says minister, joining US and China in push for early entry into force
NEWS: Greens, scientists brand leases for $22bn Adani mine irresponsible in face of whitening Great Barrier Reef
NEWS: Low carbon price and glut of free permits give power sector and industry little incentive to reduce their climate impact, say analysts
NEWS: Companies should report their climate risk exposure to avoid legal issues faced by Peabody and Exxon, says lead analyst
NEWS: Investments, not crude, will bankroll government in twenty years, says deputy crown prince as he plots sale of state oil company Aramco
NEWS: Major economies represent two-fifths of global emissions edging climate treaty nearer to taking effect
NEWS: Respected envoy’s move to head Bonn-based outfit apparently quashed ‘last minute’ by environment minister Segolene Royal
NEWS: Heavyweight taskforce is exploring how businesses report vulnerability to climate policies and impacts on G20 request
NEWS: Delhi and Brussels summit dominated by terror threat, but agree new range of measures to allow India greater access to finance and green technologies
NEWS: To have a 50% chance of avoiding dangerous temperatures new fossil fuel investments needs to be put on hold from next year
NEWS: State attorneys say they will target fossil fuel companies for financial statements and disclosures which may have misled investors and the public
NEWS: Delhi considers axing food subsidies for the poor, but continues to pay almost US$200 billion in subsidies for coal, oil and gas
NEWS: Despite signs that the world will cut its future fossil fuel use, greenhouse gases already emitted are still driving accelerating climate change
NEWS: Emissions from cattle, fertilisers, manure and agriculture mean terrestrial biosphere is actually accelerating climate change
EXCLUSIVE: Governments of poorer nations warned early support for UN climate deal on 22 April could limit political leverage at negotiations later this year
NEWS: Satellite data shows sea ice cover was the lowest in 37 years after ‘warm, crazy winter’
NEWS: It’s too soon to celebrate a tipping point for the world’s biggest emitter, according to analysis from CICERO
NEWS: Obama’s climate diplomacy drive continues, agreeing to work with Argentina and Cuba on efforts to decarbonise global economy
NEWS: Further policy interventions required, say authors of UN report, if world is to move away from oil, gas, coal and embrace low emission future
NEWS: US oil major, alleged to have lied about the risks of global warming, has been ordered to consider shareholder resolution at next AGM