NEWS: Directive from Pentagon calls for climate focus at all levels of armed forces; urging commanders to prepare troops for operations in extreme conditions
NEWS: Record temperatures could be creating the conditions for a spike in the number of disease-carrying mosquitoes, scientists say
NEWS: Letter from CEO Larry Fink says $4.6 trillion asset manager will support activist shareholders focused on ‘long-term value creation’
NEWS: Landlocked nation plans hydropower and solar rollout in belated submission to UN climate deal, citing energy security concerns
NEWS: Mooted levy to pay for high speed rail, self-driving cars and public transport heats up climate debate in presidential election year
NEWS: Recovering forests’ uptake of carbon dioxide outstrips pristine jungle and could play a bigger role in countering climate change
NEWS: Noor 1 concentrated solar plant will provide enough electricity for more than a million homes when finished
NEWS: Climate question ‘has been answered’ says chief executive of top science agency, expressing high hopes for coal-to-diesel technology
NEWS: NGOs warn Trans-Pacific Partnership could undermine Paris climate pact; Obama says it observes strongest environmental safeguards in history
NEWS: Clouds are gathering over flagship scheme UN hopes will spark ‘paradigm shift’ in global clean energy and resilience to global warming
NEWS: Expanding protected areas in DR Congo and Liberia could blow donors’ budgets, displace hundreds of thousands of people and fuel conflict, says NGO
NEWS: A carbon levy would cut consumption of meat and cheese, find researchers – and coupled with a sugar tax, it could save lives
NEWS: The International Maritime Organization is set to consider an emissions target in April, says newly appointed head Kitack Lim
NEWS: The UN climate science panel could struggle to provide ‘meaningful answer’ on Paris deal’s aspirational target, argues UK academic
NEWS: Governments, local communities and farmers need better weather data, says top funder as part of drive to get planet connected to internet by 2020
NEWS: UN climate deal gives the US president a free hand to demand stronger emissions curbs from states, argue legal experts
NEWS: Local leaders are fighting proposals from Warsaw to zone off lignite reserves for future mines, fearing loss of homes and forests
NEWS: Mass migration and resource wars billed as potential consequences if governments ignore potential of Paris deal and Earth keeps warming
NEWS: The budget for Canberra’s main climate policy is set to run out this year, leaving emissions to rise
NEWS: Interstate energy “highways” would send wind and solar-generated electricity to where and when it’s needed throughout America