NEWS: French president and UN chief to use Commonwealth heads of government bash to iron out differences before COP21 kick-off
NEWS: 55-year blockade has imposed “serious difficulties” on sustainable development, communist state says
NEWS: Post-conflict state promises to plant 20 million trees as contribution to UN deal, says greenhouse gas analysis will take more time
NEWS: Drought, scarce resources and loss of vital ecosystems are contributing to conflict around the world, says heir to British throne
NEWS: CEOs at Microsoft, Nestle, Pepsi, Tata, Dow Chemical offer new set of climate pledges and say they will debunk those who doubt climate science
NEWS: NDP government targets sweeping carbon tax, coal phase-out to clean up No 1 regional emitter’s act before Canadian Premiers meet to talk Paris
NEWS: Oil producing state targets 4-12% cut in emissions from business as usual by 2030, stresses need for international support
NEWS: Qataris average earnings top US$140,000 a year but country wants free solar technology if it is make any carbon cuts at all
NEWS: Finance and burden sharing between rich, developing and emerging economies emerge as sticking-points after final pre-COP21 ministerial meeting
NEWS: Canadian city to warn burning fossil fuels causes climate change with compulsory notices in gas stations
NEWS: Green groups vow to continue advocating for an ambitious UN deal inside the COP21 conference area and at marches around the world
NEWS: Christiana Figueres calls on heads of state to offer “vision” of rapid transition to green economy, as new data suggests October 2015 was hottest on record
NEWS: No signs deforestation is slowing a year after New York Declaration on Forests, warn NGOs, but some positive measures
NEWS: Senate vote to block flagship Clean Power Plan aims to “create confusion and uncertainty” before US finalises international pact
NEWS: ‘Kudos to the UK’, says Christiana Figueres as country eyes nuclear and gas-fired power stations expansion to replace coal
NEWS: By 2025, US should channel 150 times more money into projects like flood defences for the world’s poor, Action Aid argues
NEWS: Hidden subsidy for dirty power plants will be eliminated, as Japan, Australia and South Korea drop objections
NEWS: Exports to Gulf states cause deforestation and fund militias in unstable African country, says submission to UN
UPDATED: French government set to rule whether 29 November demo will go ahead by Thursday, say organisers
NEWS: Abnormally warm Pacific waters are playing havoc with global weather and could surpass 1997-98 record, says UN agency