NEWS: Board signs off US$168 of investment in clean development and climate resilience in Zambia, after heated debate on lending criteria
NEWS: Government pledges will cut 11 gigatonnes of greenhouse gases by 2030, report finds, leaving an emissions gap of 12Gt
NEWS: Delegates from 23 countries agree to cooperate on bringing down the towering costs of CCS at summit in Riyadh
NEWS: Fossil fuel phase-out this century is an ‘impressive sound bite’ but could harm chances of an agreement at COP21, says Yvo de Boer
NEWS: France asks governments to deliver ‘proposals for common ground on key political issues’ as clock ticks down to start of negotiations
NEWS: French economists moot €180 levy on business class tickets to protect vulnerable from climate impacts
NEWS: Island state targets 50% cut in emissions by 2030 from business as usual, despite being frozen out of climate talks by Beijing
NEWS: PwC says private and public sector has tools to limit warming to below 2C danger zone, if COP21 in Paris delivers green investment framework
NEWS: Environmentalists and left-wing parties warn project threatens the unique biodiversity of nearby Sundarbans mangrove forests
NEWS: Formal negotiations on the Montreal Protocol in Dubai this week get world closer to tackling pollutants used in air conditioners
NEWS: Investor worth US$4.5 trillion gets on board with drive to scale up climate-friendly infrastructure investment
NEWS: French president signs declaration with Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping backing a long term goal and five-yearly assessments of national climate plans
NEWS: Hundreds of multinationals including Sky, Coca-Cola and Starbucks behind letter calling for a strong climate deal next month
NEWS: World Meteorological Organization tasks weather presenters to imagine reports if world fails to cut carbon emissions
NEWS: Quality, not quantity was the watchword for Communist Party leaders as they set out a vision for sustainable growth this week
NEWS: Top climate official Christiana Figueres praises countries for committing to carbon cuts, admits a global deal needs to ensure these are deeper and faster
NEWS: Brazil and Peru get a “medium” rating, while Chile and Argentina emissions targets are “inadequate”, says Climate Action Tracker
NEWS: French environment chief and Crown Prince urge governments to take tough line on destruction of world’s forests ahead of COP21 summit
NEWS: Anyone can help track tree-cutting trends in Tanzania by swiping left and right on their smartphone, with citizen science tool
NEWS: Climate change and security cooperation key themes of Narendra Modi address to 41 African heads of state in New Delhi