NEWS: Soaring maritime emissions threaten world prosperity and survival, argues minister Tony de Brum in rebuttal to IMO
NEWS: Climate change and El Nino are wreaking ecological destruction across the world’s oceans, marine scientists confirm
NEWS: Greenhouse gas taxes and markets work and must extend to the developing world, says New Climate Economy report
NEWS: Report aims to build confidence in funding for poor countries ahead of Paris summit, but analysts say challenges remain
NEWS: Global warming risks “serious” says Rex Tillerson, but innovation not regulation is answer to soaring greenhouse gas emissions
NEWS: Clean energy policies put country on track to outperform carbon-cutting aims for 2030, says Climate Action Tracker
NEWS: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change should harness private sector knowledge in its assessment reports, says Hoesung Lee
NEWS: Industry must take offensive with carbon cutting plans to avoid portrayal as “devils”, CEO tells top executives at London conference
NEWS: Lord Browne urges fossil fuel giants to prove their worth, as executives downplay climate risk at major industry event
NEWS: South Korean beat Belgium’s Jean-Pascal van Ypersele to claim prestigious chair of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, at election in Dubrovnik
NEWS: Nawaz Sharif has draft plan, national media reports, but is dragging his feet on targets that would benefit Imran Khan’s fiefdom
NEWS: Half-hour programme did not make clear climate sceptics were a “minority voice”, UK broadcaster admits, in “an unfortunate lapse” of editorial policy
NEWS: Petropowers like Saudi Arabia and Nigeria should only submit carbon-cutting plans if they are “win-win”, says Abdalla Salem El-Badri
NEWS: Ben van Beurden says industry, regulators should rally behind Shell and European oil majors’ joint call to make polluters pay
NEWS: As governments go to vote on next IPCC chair Tuesday, Sierra Leone’s late nomination adds to uncertainty over the result
NEWS: Spectre of lost traditions as low-lying islands become inhabitable cause for climate action, says top envoy, Tony de Brum
NEWS: Energy secretary Amber Rudd says rollback of clean energy subsidies not borne of ideology but faster way to cut emissions
NEWS: Leaders Modi and Merkel agree renewables finance package and to cooperate on plans for global climate deal in Paris
NEWS: Shortened document makes clear which elements will be legally binding and sets out decisions to be made before Paris summit
NEWS: Hotly anticipated climate pledge from New Delhi needs an estimated US$2.5 trillion of international support