As the world’s fourth-largest importer of coal, South Korea needs to rapidly change its energy mix to achieve net zero emissions by 2050
In their updated national contributions to the Paris Agreement, vulnerable countries say they need more financial support to cope with extreme weather and rising seas
President Emmanuel Macron has been accused of backsliding on promises to fully implement the recommendations of a citizens’ assembly on climate change
Campaigners welcomed commitments to ramp up funding for biodiversity but raised concerns it came at the expense of other climate and aid spending
Alok Sharma will give up his responsibilities as UK business minister to focus on preparations for critical UN climate talks in Glasgow this November
Portugal aims to pass an EU 2030 climate target into law by June, says minister with a leading role in negotiations between member states and parliament
China’s national emissions trading scheme could become a significant lever for climate action, but experts warn that it will do little to curb emissions in the short term
The UK government has been accused of “rank hypocrisy” for letting a new coal mine go ahead while seeking to lead on climate as hosts of Cop26 summit
Moscow has furiously denied Ukraine’s claim in a routine carbon accounting report that Russian annexation of the Crimea region made it hard to collect emissions data
Grassroots organisers have been credited with turning out black voters in Georgia, US, to clinch two critical Senate seats that will help the Democrats deliver climate action
The EU, the UK and Argentina were the only large emitters to present tougher climate targets by the UN’s 2020 deadline, with China and the US lagging
Owning their own land allows Kenyan women to build resilience to drought and flooding, but many are unaware of laws intended to empower them
Climate campaigners say Shell is violating human rights by continuing to invest billions in fossil fuels, calling for a much faster shift to clean energy
Imran Khan announced his government would not approve any more coal power plants and pivot to renewables, contrary to the grid operator’s forecast of a coal boom
Heathrow still faces major obstacles to carry out its expansion plans, in light of the UK’s 2050 net zero target and uncertain future demand
Countries are under mounting pressure to resolve carbon trading rules at Cop26, as the future of the Clean Development Mechanism hangs in the balance
The presidency of next year’s Cop26 climate talks will bring vulnerable countries and donors together to address climate and development challenges
The island nation is a major manufacturer and campaigners hope it will follow Japan and South Korea in setting a 2050 net zero target next year
More than 70 heads of state showed stronger climate action at a virtual summit, but heavy lifting remains in 2021 to meet the ambition of Paris
EU leaders negotiated through the night to convince eastern member states to agree an enhanced goal of cutting emissions by at least 55% between 1990 and 2030