Despite pressure from the likes of US and Brazil to rein in costs, the UN is seeking extra government funding to put the Paris Agreement into practice
A private members bill would compel the UK government to decarbonise the economy and “eradicate inequality”
Xi made common cause with Emmanuel Macron on climate change, amid multi-billion dollar business deals on a 6-day visit to Europe
By 2045, Indonesians could be as wealthy as those of the Netherlands or Germany today if green policies are chosen, a government report found
The EU’s Energy Community neighbours ‘systematically turn a blind eye’ to its state aid rules, a report by the secretariat finds
A landmark conference hosted by Antonio Guterres in September aims to jolt flagging international action on climate change, in line with the latest science
Draft bill would give government powers to regulate CO2 and create carbon markets, but faces stiff opposition inside and outside Moscow administration
At a council meeting expected to be dominated by the UK’s attempts to leave the EU, leaders are expected to ignore recent pressure to raise the bloc’s climate targets
France’s worst civil unrest in decades was sparked by an anti-pollution tax, but are the gilets jaunes fighting against climate action?
Both countries face potential general elections and economic problems before the crucial Cop26 meeting and the UK may still be in a Brexit imbroglio
In more than 100 countries, young people took to the streets in a challenge to their parents and politicians
Now its coal commission has recommended a 2038 exit date, Germany can join a global alliance to end coal burning, Svenja Schulze tells Taz newspaper
This year’s UN summit comes at a “highly congested” period in Santiago, the hosts say, but a plea to move it to January was overruled
Public opinion and government ministers back young people skipping school to protest climate inaction, in contrast to the prime minister’s early scepticism
Countries failed to agree on a Swiss resolution to consider regulating technologies that aim to cool the planet, at the UN Environment Assembly in Nairobi
Once basic energy is established in disconnected regions, the companies that supply it hope to cash in on demand for a slew of new products and services
Young people are preparing for a mass walkout of classes on Friday, to demand swift action from governments to safeguard their futures
UN staff and delegates to the UN Environment Assembly, which opened in Nairobi on Monday, were among 157 to die on the way from Addis Ababa
Adding Northern Ireland to the environment law adds pressure on London to keep its regulations in step with the EU’s
The government proposes to divest a reported $7.5 billion worth of shares in oil production, without banning mixed oil majors like Shell and Exxon Mobil