Trucks, petrochemicals and air travel driving global oil use, Fatih Birol of the International Energy Agency says
Climate Action Network International terminates executive director after independent investigation finds ‘preponderance of evidence’ supporting complaints against him
After two months of disruption, the president seeks public input on four national issues, but gilets jaunes protestors are sceptical
As part of broader thawing of relations, the north and south are working together in the fight against a tree-killing worm
Indications that Britain’s new environmental watchdog will be government-funded raise questions about its independence, the National Audit Office said
Environment made subservient to “national sovereignty” in a foreign ministry restructure under climate sceptic Ernesto Araújo
Innovation flees after Trump reimposes sanctions, environmentalists and government say that puts the country on a dangerous path
As he launches new restrictions on pollution secretary Michael Gove says Brexit is a chance to go greener, but NGOs worry the regulatory bite is missing
As the PM visits the pro-Brexit heartland, the major industry, once overwhelmingly against leaving, sees an opportunity to lighten the burden of EU carbon pricing
Bulgaria, Greece and Spain among countries that fail to present plans to the EU, while Germany submits only a ‘provisional’ version
Jim Kim reformed world’s largest development lender, but it continues to finance fossil fuels and his climate legacy could be challenged if the US chooses his successor
As massive fires burn in the centre of Chile, dry, windy predictions for the summer mean 70,000 hectares could be lost, the government warns
In late-night talks, negotiators agreed to end backdoor subsidies to coal generators, with some leeway for the most coal-dependent member state
At a summit in Katowice, Poland, nearly 200 governments agreed rules to put the historic pact into action, but failed to make strong push for faster emissions cuts
Shift comes as EU and China hastily draft proposals to break an impasse on the toughest issues at UN climate talks in Poland
Australian cities joined global alliance to end coal-fired power, while the federal government proposes using taxpayer cash to underwrite new plants
Call by António Guterres was joined by Fiji’s prime minister, who said not succeeding on climate change would be “craven, irresponsible and selfish”
Oil-rich country’s resistance to welcoming findings of science report on 1.5C warming has marked it out from poorer countries
At China’s request, the deal for indigenous and local input makes clear it will not infringe on state sovereignty
As the White House hosts an event on fossil fuels, the state department is in Poland to make a deal that will shape the global accord