As climate hosts, Poland will be charged with spurring greater efforts to cut emissions. The EU has some suggestions
Jean-Claude Juncker urged the European Union to raise its goals for limiting climate change, but did not mention the forthcoming 2050 strategy
Declarations on forests, electric vehicles and the impact of climate action on coal workers will be a central legacy of this year’s talks in Katowice
De Rugy presents himself as more pragmatic than his predecessor, calling to end divisions over nuclear energy and work within budgetary constraints
Antonio Guterres to outline personal and institutional crusade on climate change in ‘major’ speech in New York on Monday
Electricity will be dominated by renewables and supply nearly half of total energy demand by 2050. Yet the rise is not enough to meet the Paris Agreement goals
A week of climate negotiations in Bangkok proceeded unevenly, as old fights about the firewall between rich and poor countries resurfaced
With a sweeping climate bill waiting for signature and an oil industry of his own, activists pressure governor Jerry Brown to live up to the vision of his own summit
UN will take stock of environmental failures and may create sweeping legal pact, or treaties on single issues, such as plastic pollution
Market forces alone will see huge drop in coal use over next decade, academics find, adding that planning for a future without coal is ‘prudent risk management’
Region of island states calls for the Paris Agreement to be upheld, with Australia joining despite recent political turmoil over climate policy
Progress on market rules for climate credits faces ‘a giant sticking point’ as Venezuela and others push for similar progress on ‘non-market’ tools in Bangkok
Landmark report finds huge downside to slow climate response and says governments must ‘take their feet off the brakes’
UN climate chief calls on nations to make decisive progress in last-chance talks in the Thai capital
Amid calls for the Clean Development Mechanism to be axed, the UN climate chief has weighed in on its behalf
Michał Kurtyka convened a meeting with French, Mexican and Moroccan heads of previous UN climate summits, in preparation for December’s critical talks
A planned EU phase-out of state aid to fossil fuel power generation could make the Ostrołęka C coal station project unprofitable within years, according to Carbon Tracker
Scott Morrison is not expected to quit the Paris Agreement, as it could jeopardise ongoing trade talks with the EU, although he has no plan to meet climate targets
A video promotion for carbon credits was taken down after viewers complained it mocked green lifestyle choices and downplayed the urgency of the climate challenge
Difficulties within the UN Green Climate Fund will bleed into sensitive negotiations on climate change next week in Bangkok