The Green Party will only join a coalition promising to close at least 7GW of coal power capacity by 2020, its lawmakers say, as Germany likely faces another election
At least 14 green groups have shut down since falling foul of Moscow’s anti-spy legislation, according to Human Rights Watch
Christiana Figueres warns subsidising Adani’s controversial Carmichael mega-mine would damage Australia’s reputation abroad
The rich are ‘renegotiating’ the Paris climate deal by trying to limit access for middle income countries to climate finance, it has been claimed
At the first climate talks of the Trump era, a coalition of developing countries, with China at its centre, won small but significant victories
As climate talks head into their final hours, a disagreement over how rich countries will report their plans to finance climate action could boil over
Oceans, adaptation and loss and damage among issues countries say have drifted into obscurity at UN talks
Disappointed by slow progress at UN talks in Bonn, 50 organisations and individuals demand a fossil fuel levy to compensate victims of climate change impacts
The Pacific island nation and world’s second largest flag registry is pushing for immediate measures and a tough long term target to tackle shipping’s climate impact
French president said Europe must step into the leadership role the US had abandoned, while Angela Merkel struggled with Germany’s political uncertainty
UN-backed fund aims to make it easier for developing country institutions to access cash for sustainable development and resilience projects
Climate Action Tracker expects 3.4C warming by the end of the century, based on the sum of national policies, compared to a 3.6C prediction last year
A row over the promises rich countries made on climate action before 2020 has been resolved at negotiations in Bonn, with several wins for developing countries
Efforts to raise cash for those hit hardest by global warming were deferred to 2018 in “loss and damage” text adopted by negotiators in Bonn on Tuesday
In Bonn, Trump adviser George David Banks says the US will fight Chinese efforts to reintroduce a division between rich and poor countries into the Paris deal
Local politicians are colluding with gangs to undermine rainforest protection, Luciano Evaristo tells delegates at UN climate talks in Bonn
The US came to sell fossil fuels as a solution to climate change, but were interrupted by protests as the divided US arrived in Bonn
Turkey has threatened not to ratify the Paris climate deal, but a German proposal refused to grant its wish to access the Green Climate Fund
Mobile applications and online forums help young Africans make a living from farming amid changing weather, delegates hear on the sidelines of climate talks in Bonn
US mayors and governors want to show the world they stand by US commitments, but to their African counterparts solidarity means cash