By Guy Edwards
Latin American civil society organizations are backing Peru’s bid to host COP20 in 2014.
The launch of the joint declaration, signed by more than 60 organisations,coincides with a pending decision about who will host COP20 at the latest meeting of the UNFCCC currently underway in Bonn, Germany.
According to the declaration:
The Government of Peru presents a very promising candidacy to host COP20 in 2014, of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Peru has been a progressive voice in the formal and informal discussions on climate change and has demonstrated a willingness to listen and offer counsel in the international negotiations on climate change.
The country was one of the first developing countries to make a voluntary emission reduction pledge in 2008. Its flexible interpretation of Common But Differentiated Responsibilities and Respective Capabilities; and that all countries need to act to varying degrees to reduce emissions, places it in a solid position to host COP20.
1. The signatories to this declaration support the candidacy of the Peruvian government in hosting the 20th meeting of the Parties (“COP20”).
2. Peru’s offer to host COP20 presents a positive step forward for the creation of a draft negotiating text in 2014 to be later agreed in 2015 at COP21.
3. The signatories offer their support and expertise to the Peruvian government in its planning and running of the COP20, to contribute to an inclusive, transparent, equitable and ambitious process.
4. We call on the friends of Peru to contribute their expertise and resources to the Peruvian government if requested.
5. COP20 in Peru could put in motion some positive areas of collaboration between Peru and national, regional and international non-state actors.
6. We assert that the preparations to host COP20 could generate greater interest in the creation and implementation of climate policies in Peru and its neighbours. This could send a positive signal to the private sector that Peru is a destination for clean technologies and renewable energy. In addition, it could drive interest in the media and research centres in Peru and Latin America on the crucial issue of climate change.
7. We believe that Peru’s climate diplomacy offers the possibility to represent in a balanced fashion the interests and concerns of all participating countries and find workable and constructive compromises.
8. Peru’s pledge to reduce the net rate of deforestation of primary forests to zero by 2021 provides a constructive platform for countries to come to Peru to negotiate an ambitious and equitable draft text for 2015.
Organizations signed up:
Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA), Perú
Movimiento Ciudadano frente al Cambio Climático (MOCICC), Perú
Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente (AIDA)
Third Generation Environmentalism (E3G), UK
Centro Mesoamericano de Estudios sobre Tecnología Apropiada (CEMAT), Guatemala
Mesa Nacional para la Gestión de Riesgo, Nicaragua
Mesa Nacional de Cambio Climático, Guatemala
Asociación Nacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, República de Panamá
Proética, capítulo peruano de Transparencia Internacional
Plataforma Climática Latinoamericana
Instituto de Políticas para el Transporte y el Desarrollo (ITDP), México
Foro Del Buen Ayre, Argentina
Comisión Interdisciplinaria de Medio Ambiente (CIMA), Argentina
Fundación Centro Estudios de Ecológico de la Republica Argentina (FUCEERA)
Fundación Proyectos Ambientales (PROA)
Asociación Ambientalista Ecolapaz, Argentina
Asociación Ambientalista del Sur, Argentina
Asociación Ambientalista Mayu Sumaj, Argentina
Asociación Amigos de los Parques Nacionales, Argentina
Asociación Argentina de Abogados Ambientalistas, Argentina
Asociación Civil de Ecología Social (A.C.E.S), Argentina
Asociación Civil Red Ambiental, Argentina
Asociación Civil Tierra XXI, Argentina
Asociación de Protección al Ambiente Serrano – Calamuchita Aproas, Argentina
Asociación Ecologista Piuke, Argentina
Asociación Eco Raíces, Argentina
Asociación Lihue, Argentina
Asociación Ecologista Rio Mocoreta, Argentina
Asociación Vecinal Moronense (AVM), Argentina
Bios Argentina
Centro Ambiental Argentino (CAMBIAR)
Centro Andino de Desarrollo e Investigación Ambiental (CADIANDINO), Sede Central, Argentina
Centro Argentino de Meteorólogos (CAM), Argentina
Centro de Protección a la Naturaleza, Argentina
Centro Uruguayo de Tecnologías Apropiadas (CEUTA)
Comisión Ecológica Ituzaingó, Argentina
Continental Nea, Argentina
Federación Amigos de la Tierra Argentina, Amigos de la Tierra
Foro de los Ríos, Argentina
Fundación Agreste, Argentina
Fundación Ambiente Ecológico (FAE), Argentina
Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN), Argentina
Fundación Arandu, Argentina
Fundación Argentina de Energías Alternativas y Renovables (FADEAR), Argentina
Fundación Argentina de Etoecologia (FAE)
Fundación Cullunche Para la Conservación del Ambiente la Flora y la Fauna, Argentina
Fundación del Sur, Argentina
Fundación Inti Cuyum, Argentina
Fundación Norte Ecológico, Argentina
Fundación Orden Ecológica (FOE), Argentina
Fundación Pacha Mama para el Medio Ambiente y Desarrollo, Argentina
Fundación para el Desarrollo Sustentable de Eco Regiones (FUNDESER), Argentina
Fundación Pasos, Argentina
Fundación Península Raulí, Argentina
Fundación Red Informática Ecologista (RIE), Argentina
Grupo Ambiental para el Desarrollo (GADE), Argentina
Grupo Ecológico Bolívar (GEB), Argentina
Greenpeace Argentina
Iniciativa Radial, Argentina
Instituto de Estudios e investigaciones sobre Medio Ambiente. Fundación Jorge Esteban Roulet, Argentina
Karst, Organización Argentina de Investigaciones Espeleológicas
Movimiento Transfronterizo de ONG Ambientalistas de La Triple Frontera (AR, BR, UY), Argentina
Multimedios Ambiente Ecológico (MAE), Argentina
Observatorio de Políticas Sociales y Ambientales, Argentina
Red Eco-Ambiental de Jujuy, Argentina
Taller Ecologista, Argentina
Rótary Internacional. Distrito 4825. Rótary Victoria, Argentina
The joint declaration is still open. If your organization wishes to sign it please get in contact with guy_edwards[at]
This article first appeared on Intercambio Climatico and has been reproduced with the author’s permission.