Thomas Elmqvist from the University of Stockholm warns that as an area the size of South Africa is expected to be lost to urbanisation, understanding the benefits of biodiversity will be vital.
New report calls on policymakers to better understand the biodiversity and livelihood benefits of forests to ensure the success of REDD+.
The Livelihoods Venture allows businesses to invest in offset projects that boost the income of some of the world’s poorest communities.
Douglas Cress from the Great Ape Survival Partnership at UNEP says that the loss of apes is an indicator for the destruction of the natural world, as he urges greater protection.
In four decades, the brown treesnake, has wiped out Guam’s bird species, and caused a fortyfold increase in the Pacific Island’s spider population.
Milton Nogueira Silva, Executive Secretary of the Climate Change Forum of Minas Gerais region in Brazil says positive action seen on deforestation in Brazil stems from community engagement
PwC assessment of current efforts to reduce emissions finds that we are on a pathway to warming far greater than the 2°C recommended by the UN’s climate science panel, the IPCC.
Talking to finance ministers in a language they understand, money, is key to driving action says Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Costa Rica’s former Environment and Energy Minister.
Global Canopy Programme’s Andrew Mitchell says breaking down complex language of REDD+ vital to ensure the scheme succeeds
Pavan Sukhdev calls for the value of biodiversity to the poor to be considered when assessing the economic impact of the loss of nature.
The Hurricane Sandy Frankenstorm may not help scientist’s link storm frequency and climate change but it could be a painful demonstration of what New York can expect if extreme weather becomes the norm
Forests play a key role for the UN’s climate change and biodiversity agencies. Melati Kaye investigates whether they can they serve the goals of both simultaneously.
Market for carbon credits from forests needs to be signed off at COP18 if innovative finance mechanism has a chance of success
Biodiversity and climate change are described as two sides of the same coin, so why does climate change appear to receive so much more attention worldwide?
India’s growing cities have exacted a massive price on nature – but a biodiversity project in Hyderabad aims to reverse this trend
CBD COP11: Finance crucial on final day or talks, criticism over participation numbers in Hyderabad and national tiger database announced.
CBD COP11: African group given busy bee award for finance work, high-level segment opens with plea from CBD chief and text agreed on marine protection and invasive species.
CBD COP11: Warning that vast carbon sink in Madagascar on verge of destruction in 5-10 years unless urgent action taken by international community
CBD COP11: Joint prize for most difficult countries at COP11 handed to UK and Canada due to positions on geoengineering, synthetic biology and biofuels
CBD COP11: A new report from UNEP warns that safeguarding the environmental foundations of the world’s food system will be crucial.