NEWS: Most detailed study yet of Greenland ice sheet illustrates complex process causing billions of tonnes to melt every year
NEWS: Sea ice levels showing signs of recovery, but rising temperatures spell radical change for polar region
NEWS: Rainforests are the “sweat glands” of the world and losses could wreak havoc with farming, researchers warn
NEWS: Since the decline of fur trapping, beaver populations have exploded, increasing methane generation from dammed ponds
NEWS: The Peruvian government is seeking to extradite activists who damaged world heritage site, on charges that carry 6-year jail sentence
NEWS: Eight South American countries make promise at UN meeting to start restoring damaged lands
NEWS: As Peruvian government reveals rising deforestation at Lima climate talks, indigenous people accuse them of neglect
NEWS: Climatologists’ report shows the urgency of cutting greenhouse gas emissions as UN climate negotiators meet in Lima
NEWS: Killing of environmental activists puts Peru’s president under pressure ahead of next month’s UN climate conference
NEWS: Scientists predict a 50% increase this century in the frequency of lightning strikes due to global warming
NEWS: The Clacton constituency of UKIP’s Douglas Carswell is particularly vulnerable to global warming, says local farmer
NEWS: Threatened by shrinking sea ice, bear is one of 31 endangered species to be given greater protection
NEWS: October 31 will be frightfully hot, according to the UK’s Met Office
NEWS: Taller than the Eiffel Tower, the observatory will capture vital data on how climate change is impacting the rainforest
NEWS: Global heat records fall as month by month data from US federal agency indicates world is warming
INTERVIEW: With little hard cash on the table at UN summit, biodiversity champions seek to link up with mainstream agendas
NEWS: Majuro counts cost of latest flooding as 30 ‘Pacific Warriors’ set off for Australia in canoes to highlight concerns
NEWS: Some 400 million people depend on threatened coral reefs for their livelihoods, British scientists warn at UN meeting
NEWS: Warming waters and acidification are steadily degrading the planet’s oceans, says new study
NEWS: Destroying mangrove forests will cost $2 billion a year up to 2050 and contribute to climate change, says UNEP