NEWS: Exploitation, habitat degradation and climate change blamed as numbers of lions, snakes and monkeys plummet
NEWS: Peru’s lead climate negotiator says Ban Ki-moon climate summit will catalyse action such as Norway deal
NEWS: Natural disasters created 22 million refugees in 2013, report finds, warning that climate change could worsen trend
NEWS: Researchers warn that climate change could worsen California droughts by reducing water flow from Sierra Nevada mountains
INTERVIEW: Filipino climate commissioner undertakes seven-day trip across the fragile north, highlighting impacts of global warming
NEWS: Scientists believe Amazon rainforest water loss is the result of continuing deforestation and climate change
NEWS: Foreign demand for agricultural products worth an estimated $61 billion is driving rates of deforestation
INTERVIEW: Veteran UK environmentalist defends industry-backed study that will endorse some forest clearance
NEWS: The biggest threat to Colombian farmers used to be drug-related violence. Now it’s climate change – but biofortified crops offer hope
NEWS: Heavy pollution and climate change are threatening long term health and productivity of high seas
NEWS: Britain must cater for wildlife moving northwards because of climate change, says veteran naturalist and broadcaster
NEWS: Report from leading REDD donors Norway warns of ‘growing perception’ countries are missing out on millions
NEWS: Earth Overshoot Day arrives one day earlier than 2013, marking the date global consumption exceeds production
NEWS: Vote in Madhya Pradesh village will decide whether ancient forest is cleared for mining project
NEWS: Scientific studies show increasing human impact on glaciers; Antarctic ice melt faster than thought
NEWS: The UN’s environment body has set out practical ways African nations can protect their people against climate change effects
NEWS: Traditional communities living in harmony with nature need greater support from governments, says report
NEWS: NASA satellite data reveals record water level drop in the Colorado River Basin, as drought is linked to climate change
NEWS: Forest conservation programmes must address logging and wildfires, large scale Amazon study shows
NEWS: Indonesia’s forest loss is accelerating each year, despite a moratorium on logging, study finds