Environment minister Catherine McKenna rebutted former Australian PM’s claim climate change was “probably doing good” at a London conference
Leading Amazon scientist highlights ‘grave problems’ in Brazil’s management of the world’s most important forest as climate-driven fires eat it away
Supreme Court to decide whether to hear oil companies and Alaskan native case against Trump administration for listing seal as threatened due to climate change
A new report has revised the ‘carbon budget’, apparently putting a 1.5C limit to warming within reach. But how useful is this measure?
Environment minister Catherine McKenna said she was proud to support the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, after Donald Trump axed US funding
Representatives from Caribbean island nations want to put extreme weather damage on the agenda for the next IPCC comprehensive report
Donald Trump’s decision to axe US donations has left the IPCC with an urgent cash crunch. Sources say some governments are set to increase their contributions
New research finds worsening droughts will sap the biblical waterway, which is already under pressure from agriculture and a growing population
Abbott becomes second former Australian prime minister to address Global Warming Policy Foundation. His speech will be called ‘Daring to Doubt’
As science tying disasters to climate change becomes increasingly accurate, victims could seek legal redress for failure to plan for predictable events
Reports the devastating storm was made worse by humanity’s carbon emissions fail to grasp climate change is not just about warming
Sovcomflot vessel cut through thinning sea ice on the northern sea route to carry its cargo of fuel from Norway to South Korea in record time
The global temperature goal started life as a back-of-the-envelope guess but become a powerful principle for political organising
The chance of extremely hot days, such as have been seen across southern Europe this summer has been “greatly increased” by climate change
There is an emerging consensus CO2 needs to be sucked out of the air to meet climate goals, but no discussion of which countries are responsible for acting
New research shows odds of record years and runs of record years have changed from tiny to probable because of greenhouse gases
When Lewis Pugh finished his 22-minute, awareness-raising swim his hands were so frozen he hand to grip onto his photographer with his teeth
Early warning systems and early action funds are needed to prevent repeats of the 2015/16 famine, experts warn in response to latest science
A valuable fungus reputed to be an aphrodisiac has been disappearing from the mountains of Nepal, taking with it a valuable source of income
Farmers along the lower Nile have little information to guide them as upriver barrage threatens to compound the impacts of global warming