NEWS: It is in the interests of oil-rich Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates to back global action on climate change, study shows
NEWS: Diplomats strike ‘breakthrough’ deal to halt degradation of world’s terrain from 2030, but US$30bn price tag looms large
NEWS: Island off tip of southern India wants reimbursing for the $420m it plans to spend by 2025 on warding off extreme weather
COMMENT: Countries may be waiving claims to future climate compensation in a new deal. Know what you’re signing away, writes barrister Tim Crosland
BLOG: Interactives from the likes of NASA, WRI and the Financial Times open up hours of fun for the global warming watcher
COMMENT: Confusion reigns over the right format for cash to tackle climate impacts. Resolve this quickly, or the UN-backed Green Climate Fund will falter
NEWS: Alliance of vulnerable states remind weak UN climate deal might be “worse than no deal at all” as session gets off to rocky start
NEWS: Rich countries must make a radical shift in consumption patterns to stay within agreed climate change limits, argues UK academic Kevin Anderson
NEWS: Global warming and powerful winds sweeping snow off ice shelves could accelerate sea level rise, scientists find
NEWS: Burden sharing deal means major economies have to shoulder more of the bloc’s pledge to ditch fossil fuels and invest in cleaner forms of energy
NEWS: You need a relevant PhD to understand IPCC summaries, find researchers, arguing for clearer writing
NEWS: Evidence stretching back 40,000 years shows that global warming will increase drying in a region of East Africa where drought already causes humanitarian crises
NEWS: Euro-Atlantic military alliance told to set foreign and security policies in tune with climate threat by parliamentary assembly
NEWS: Climate change and El Nino are wreaking ecological destruction across the world’s oceans, marine scientists confirm
NEWS: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change should harness private sector knowledge in its assessment reports, says Hoesung Lee
COMMENT: BBC apology after complaints about irreverent radio show generated cheering in climate-sceptic circles, but ultimately own goal for backers
NEWS: South Korean beat Belgium’s Jean-Pascal van Ypersele to claim prestigious chair of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, at election in Dubrovnik
NEWS: Half-hour programme did not make clear climate sceptics were a “minority voice”, UK broadcaster admits, in “an unfortunate lapse” of editorial policy
NEWS: As governments go to vote on next IPCC chair Tuesday, Sierra Leone’s late nomination adds to uncertainty over the result
NEWS: Spectre of lost traditions as low-lying islands become inhabitable cause for climate action, says top envoy, Tony de Brum