NEWS: UK meteorological agency joins NASA, NOAA and Japanese forecasters in saying global temperatures hit record high in 2014
NEWS: Norwegian oil major rebuts notion that Greenland withdrawal is evidence of “carbon bubble”
NEWS: US Arctic representative in talks with film executives over educational climate project starring Frozen characters
NEWS: Harvard researchers find that there has been an almost threefold annual increase in global sea levels over the last quarter of a century
INTERVIEW: Climate sceptic mayor of New Jersey town goes on Arctic pilgrimage in search for answers about global warming
NEWS: One degree of warming could slash wheat yields by 42 million tonnes and cause devastating shortages of this vital staple food
COMMENT: A recent study put the social cost of emitting a tonne of carbon dioxide at US$220. An EU allowance costs $8. Why the gap?
ANALYSIS: From old seafarers to modern scientists, RTCC looks at the past and the present of temperature records
NEWS: Record high temperatures in December confirmed 2014 as the hottest year on record, NASA and NOAA reveal
NEWS: Efforts to solve China’s water crisis − exacerbated by economic growth, climate change and a rising population – are having opposite effect
NEWS: Demand for jewellery and booming gold prices poses threat to diverse tropical forests, study finds
NEWS: An international team of researchers will boost food security for 300 million people in Nepal, India and Bangladesh
NEWS: It is worth taking more expensive measures to curb emissions, say scientists, to avoid hit to economic growth
NEWS: California university was the wealthiest to cut ties with coal companies last May; 295 academics want oil and gas to go next
NEWS: Scientists have identified another consequence of global warming that is likely to accelerate climate change still further
NEWS: Academics questioned the human influence on climate at India’s leading science conference this week
NEWS: UK research shows which regional fossil fuel reserves are unviable if the world is to avoid catastrophic warming
NEWS: Boston, New York and Baltimore are among the cities threatened by rising sea levels, warn scientists
NEWS: Controversial gas exploration technique linked to 3.0 magnitude earthquake that shook US state in March
BLOG: Japan Meteorological Agency says last year was +0.27°C above the 1981-2010 average and warmest since 1891