NEWS: Rising sea levels and repeated storm damage to natural coastal defences pose challenge to NASA operations
NEWS: Eight South American countries make promise at UN meeting to start restoring damaged lands
NEWS: The cost of protecting people from climate change impacts are likely to be 2-3 times previous estimates, finds UN report
NEWS: As Peruvian government reveals rising deforestation at Lima climate talks, indigenous people accuse them of neglect
NEWS: Climatologists’ report shows the urgency of cutting greenhouse gas emissions as UN climate negotiators meet in Lima
NEWS: Resorting to geoengineering to tackle climate change would be an admission of failure, UK scientists say
COMMENT: Scientists at Climate Analytics discuss the odds of avoiding temperature rises above 1.5C and 2C
NEWS: US weather agency says October 2014 broke all the records – and that the year is on track to be the hottest ever
NEWS: Countries need to accept radical carbon cuts over next decade to avoid worst climate impacts says UN
NEWS: Ocean temperatures break new record, as 2014 looks set to be hottest year ever
COMMENT: Claims of collusion and deceit within the scientific community caused a scandal in 2009, but to what effect, asks Richard Black
NEWS: Killing of environmental activists puts Peru’s president under pressure ahead of next month’s UN climate conference
NEWS: Scientists predict a 50% increase this century in the frequency of lightning strikes due to global warming
NEWS: Iron fertilisation of oceans stimulates carbon sucking plankton, but could also lead to rise in CO2 emitting sea-life
ANALYSIS: Scientists are starting to undertake the politically dangerous task of figuring out who can be blamed for extreme weather disasters
NEWS: The Clacton constituency of UKIP’s Douglas Carswell is particularly vulnerable to global warming, says local farmer
NEWS: Threatened by shrinking sea ice, bear is one of 31 endangered species to be given greater protection
COMMENT: The UN’s latest assessment of climate change shows how serious the situation is for the world’s poorest
ANALYSIS: A fight between rival academics over climate change and conflict has important messages for peacekeepers, says Alex Randall
NEWS: UN science report provides final warning on climate change ahead of 2015 international emissions cutting deal