ANALYSIS: Scientists, artists and policymakers pondered whether to hack the planet at a meeting in Berlin this week
NEWS: Report from leading REDD donors Norway warns of ‘growing perception’ countries are missing out on millions
NEWS: The Asian Development Bank warns economic cost of climate change will challenge efforts to lift people out of poverty
NEWS: Earth Overshoot Day arrives one day earlier than 2013, marking the date global consumption exceeds production
NEWS: Last month’s average temperature was 16.44C. That’s 0.64C above the 20th century average
NEWS: Vote in Madhya Pradesh village will decide whether ancient forest is cleared for mining project
INTERVIEW: Climate scientists can learn from weather forecasters about giving practical advice, says meteorological expert
NEWS: Tar sands and deep sea oil projects are bad for business as well as the environment, analysts warn
NEWS: Scientific studies show increasing human impact on glaciers; Antarctic ice melt faster than thought
NEWS: The UN’s environment body has set out practical ways African nations can protect their people against climate change effects
NEWS: Government report says forests will suffer more due to climate change, but neglects to mention own role in global emissions
NEWS: Swedish study finds “vast methane plumes” coming from the ocean floor, which could accelerate global warming
NEWS: US government researchers say state’s economy is threatened by rise in ocean carbon dioxide levels
NEWS: New research shows that forest ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to increasing wind, beetles and wildfires
INTERVIEWS: Leading economists speak to RTCC about the brewing row over how to account for global climate impacts
NEWS: UN plea for food aid to the Sahel as scientific studies flag up climate change threat to food production
NEWS: Farming adaptation on agenda as higher average temperatures cause crop yield fall on the Indo-Gangetic plain
NEWS: Scientists believe they may have found explanations for two inconsistencies in their understanding of global warming
NEWS: Traditional communities living in harmony with nature need greater support from governments, says report
NEWS: NASA satellite data reveals record water level drop in the Colorado River Basin, as drought is linked to climate change