ENVIRONMENT NETWORK: Companies could start extracting oil underneath key biodiversity reserve on Earth by 2016
NEWS: British scientist expresses his surprise when parts of IPCC text were ‘mutilated’ at April meeting in Berlin
NEWS: Extra plant growth in Australian dry lands reveals region’s growing global role as carbon sink
PICTURES: Study from Union of Concerned Scientists cites State of Liberty, Alaska’s permafrost and NASA’s coast facilities at risk
NEWS: Increasing forest fires spell more bad news for Greenland ice sheet, study finds
NEWS: New understanding of Greenland’s glaciers show more of them are below sea level, and may melt faster
NEWS: Icelandic history provides a lesson in the global impacts of a more explosive planet
NEWS: Heavy reliance on natural products means country is at acute risk from rising temperatures and water cycle changes
NEWS: Farmers may need to plan for variable crop outputs, as potential severity of climate phenomenon intensifies
NEWS: The UN’s science reports need to be ‘more like CERN’ to have an impact on policy, says study
ANALYSIS: The IPCC warned of rising sea levels. The collapse of Antarctic glaciers means it’s time to prepare
NEWS: Global sea level rise figures may have to be revised upwards say scientists, as pace of melt increases
NEWS: Government report dismisses efforts to cut carbon pollution, warning emissions could break 550 parts per million barrier
NEWS: China’s 13th Five-Year Plan could be key to ending China’s dependence on coal, says Lord Stern report
NEWS: More carbon dioxide in the air makes crops less nutritious, exacerbating threat of hunger in warmer world
NEWS: Almost 90% of the world’s urban population live in cities where the air is unsafe to breathe, according to UN data
NEWS: Tougher air pollution standards needed in face of increasing levels of ozone, conclude scientists in new study
NEWS: Climate change already having visible impacts across US, and temperatures could rise another 2.2C in coming decades
NEWS: Unstable ice sheet could cause ocean to rise by 4 metres in an ‘irreversible’ cycle of melting, say scientists
NEWS: Dutch security board Rainbow Warrior vessel in Rotterdam as campaign against Arctic oil extraction intensifies