NEWS: Oxfam scores the world on its action so far to help farmers prepare for the shocks of climate change
NEWS: Delegates from over 100 countries are in Yokohoma to discuss latest UN study on climate risk
NEWS: Draft of IPCC’s forthcoming report reveals droughts, floods, famines and health impacts from a warming world
NEWS: Air pollution killed 7 million people in 2012, say WHO, making it world’s biggest environmental health threat
ANALYSIS: 2013 was a year of ‘many extreme weather events’ according to the UN – all over the world
NEWS: World Meteorological Organization says countries must become more resilient to extreme weather
NEWS: scientists say slight drop-off in annual sea level rise could be a result of natural variations
Global climate impact assessments are not factoring in negative affects from warming on crops, say scientists
Forthcoming UN science study could reveal median crop yields may fall by up to 2% per decade for the rest of century
A future forest carbon market needs to ensure local communities have control over their lands, says report
Scale of impacts and lack of long-term planning could leave world with ‘no exit strategy’ if temperatures rise
Former South African finance minister says science is now incontrovertible and potential effects of warming world deadly
Research focused on the climate sensitivity of the atmosphere suggests recent ‘cooling’ spell could be a blip
Latest Climate Council report says extremes of 2013/2014 ‘Angry Summer’ likely to intensify
Kolkata’s choking streets are affecting the health of residents and the region’s long term prosperity
Pace of change at North Pole is surprising scientists: latest studies show the region is at its warmest for 40,000 years
Pentagon’s warning that climate change worsens risks of conflict over water, food and other resources
Australia almost a degree hotter than it was in 1910, says Bureau of Meteorology, as government tries to repeal climate laws
Evacuations start as sea pours into parts of town, highlighting acute dangers of rising sea levels in Pacific
Scientists say average annual flood losses could be almost five times greater by mid-century