As world passes an atmospheric concentration of CO2 not seen for more than 3 million years, there are calls for politicians to pay more attention to the science
Widespread loss of forest could affect rainfall in key agricultural regions of Brazil, hitting beef and soya productivity
Avoiding two degrees of warming is a key principle of the UN climate talks. But who decides how much warming is too much?
New data suggests Earth’s climate may be more sensitive to CO2 than previous estimates have suggested
Clouds are sending more sunlight back out into space because pollution from human activities is making them more reflective
Hitting the 400ppm level of atmospheric CO2 can be more than symbolic, it can be a rallying call too, writes Johan L. Kuylenstierna, executive director of the Stockholm Environment Institute
The year just past confirmed the Earth’s warming trend, which is reason for concern as it shows no sign of abating, says the World Meteorological Organisation
Garden lawns are more prolific carbon emitters than some farm crops, and keeping yourself warm uses much more energy than running an air conditioner
An increasingly warm climate could mean ever more rapid changes in the Earth’s climatic zones causing heightened extinction risks
Mauna Loa monitoring station can be tracked on Twitter as concentration edges toward levels not seen for 3.2m years
It is not just the extreme cold that birds have had to cope with in recent British winters but the unpredictability with which the weather often now changes
They may be small and live in some of the most inaccessible regions on the planet, but Antarctic clams could be key to understanding how ocean life adapts to climate change
Climate adaptation planning is likely to become a priority for Bangladesh’s leaders as the hopes of keeping global temperatures within safe limits decrease
Modified germs produce molecules closer to regular transport fuel than existing biofuels and could potentially be fed on sewage
US Clean Water Act could be used to combat the growing threat posed by ocean acidification, caused by rising levels of carbon dioxide
Former UK climate diplomat John Ashton says climate scientists must actively communicate their findings – but under certain conditions
Climate and Clean Air Coalition could play a vital role in slowing sea level rise, research from the National Center for Atmospheric Research suggests
Report into Amazon deforestation levels calls for greater focus on the role of global consumption in driving land degradation
Climate change is responsible for more than half the changes detected in the world’s vegetation, researchers say, and human activities for only about a third
Severe land degradation is now affecting 168 countries across the planet, with associated costs of US$490 billion per year