Researchers warn vital relationships between pollinators and plants will be affected by warming average tempereatures
Climate models of the world’s oceans could need to be revised after it was discovered that plankton are far richer than previously thought
As climate change exacerbates the problem, there is a danger that drought could sneak up on unprepared governments, warns UNCCD Exec-Secretary Luc Gnacadja
Ken Salazar says Arctic oil is essential to Obama’s energy plan but must be approached with caution
Even if the science brought about a quick fix for climate change, political and ethical obstacles could be hard to overcome
NASA funded study finds conditions resemble those found 4-6 degrees of latitude further south just 30 years ago as region warms
One fifth of Canada’s Arctic Archipelago glaciers could melt by 2100, causing a sea level rise of 3.5cm, according to new research from ice2sea
Reports of dramatic rises in levels of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in atmosphere should be treated with caution, a leading climate scientist tells RTCC
Leading emerging markets lack resilience to cope with natural disasters and extreme weather events according to risk analysts Maplecroft
Climate Commission’s ‘Angry Summer’ report warns record-breaking temperatures and intense rainfall likely to become more frequent
Melting sea ice caused by global warming set to offer shipping companies opportunity to exploit new Arctic route
British campaigners are trying to stop Government plans to allow palm oil to be burnt in power stations to generate electricity
Team led by University of Colorado-Boulder suggest emissions from erupting volcanoes could mask the effect of greenhouse gases and keep temperatures low
Reduced uncertainty shows synchronised increase in CO2 and warming at the end of last ice age
Researchers say they have found evidence that in the last 30 years wet seasons have been becoming wetter and dry ones drier
New research suggest warming oceans will lead to annual bleaching events for majority of world’s reefs
Extreme weather is often the result of climate change, says scientists in Germany, who claim to have found link between GHGs and changes in weather patterns
A United Nations scheme intended to guarantee everyone access to clean energy could help to keep global temperature rise below 2°C say researchers
Researchers suspect soot from fires in India and China ‘probably’ responsible for a third of glacial retreat in Himalaya
Working output could be reduced by 20% in USA if high end predictions of global warming become reality