New research has found a combination of improvement environmental policy and the economic recession caused Nitrogen oxide levels over Europe to drop 20-20% between 2005-10.
Produced as part of UNESCO’s international ‘Satellites and World Heritage Sites, Partners to Understand Climate Change’ exhibition, this image shows the ENSO effects in the Galapagos Islands.
New research, mapping global flows of water consumption, aims to highlight the global approach needed when adapting sustainable national water footprints.
Produced as part of UNESCO’s international ‘Satellites and World Heritage Sites, Partners to Understand Climate Change’ exhibition, this image shows the threatened earth structures in the Chan Chan Archaeological Zone in Peru.
Produced as part of UNESCO’s ‘Satellites and World Heritage Sites, Partners to Understand Climate Change’ exhibition, this satellite image shows the destruction of Mangroves in the Bay of Bengal.
Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes and tsunamis could all be consequences of worsening climate change, says volcanologist, Bill McGuire.
Produced as part of UNESCO’s international ‘Satellites and World Heritage Sites, Partners to Understand Climate Change’ exhibition, this image shows the melting glaciers on Mount Everest.
Warming oceans and increases in windiness could be causing the rise in harmful algal blooms in the North Atlantic Ocean and North Sea.
Report calls on government to support community-led renewable energy schemes, arguing this will reduce costs and emissions.
New website launched focusing on links between extreme weather events and climate change.
Oxford Climate Forum organiser Luke Hughes and environmental policy expert Tom Burke from E3G discuss climate communication with RTCC editor Ed King.
As the Climate Reality Project expedition lands in Antarctica, Al Gore, Richard Branson and UNFCCC chief Christiana Figueres write of their first hand experiences of this isolated continent.
Paper attracted criticism over a climate sceptic letter written by biochemists, engineers and a rocket scientist.
New video game ‘Exeunt’ aims to focus gamers’ attention on our relationship with the envrionment.
Earth continued to absorb more energy during most recent solar minimum, raising doubt over repeated claims by sceptics that climate change is solar induced.
Rapid cooling attributed to series of major volcanic eruptions between 1275-1300 AD.
Oceans cover 70% of the earth’s surface, and provide 99% of the world’s living space, but mankind is slowly destroying a key source of food, the planet’s thermostat and a home to millions of species.
Head of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission tells RTCC that acidification of the oceans must be recognised as a ‘critical issue and acted upon’ at Rio+20
Coral reefs could recover from the effects of climate change and over exploitation, but with over a billion people relying on the reefs for their livelihoods, locally sensitive action is required.
RTCC takes you through the science of climate change and the oceans.