Dangerous levels of climate change could be seen within the lifetime of people living today, unless a steep reduction in global emissions are put in place, according to two reports published in Nature Climate Change
Climate change will threaten a number of crops including coffee, chocolate and rice, according to a number of agricultural research institutes
New map shows emerging economies in the global south will be most at risk of climate change, but globalisation will mean all countries will be impacted
Children and young people across the world are being put at the heart of climate change adaptation and risk reduction schemes, for International Disaster Reduction Day 2011
With 42 million people were displaced by natural disasters in 2010, policy makers and aid agencies must consider planned migration in the face of global climate change, making it part of the ‘solution’, says a new report from the Foresight Group
As domestic energy deals rise above £1000 a year, “smart home” technologies could provide customers with a vital aid to tackling energy efficiency